Our new Sales Gallery is located adjacent to our workshop in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. We are on the 6th floor of Building 280. Building 280 is right inside of the entrance at Flushing Avenue and Cumberland Street.

Please contact us to send an entry pass to your smartphone. Send request to sales.team@scottjordan.com or call 212 620 4682. You can also register for a pass online.

Custom Cabinetry - Crafted in Our Brooklyn Workshop

Often when one hears the words “custom cabinetry’ the image of a craftsman in a flannel shirt laboring at his workbench is summoned to mind. Our reality is quite a bit different from this image.

Our version of custom cabinetry involves computer aided design and manufacturing techniques that allow us to readily modify and produce almost endless variations and combinations of elements that create cabinetry solutions to fit the need of our clients.

The company started producing furniture in 1980. Indeed for the first twenty years we produced solid hardwood furniture essentially by hand. The process was much as many people image how furniture is made using saws, planers and other woodworking machinery that would be familiar to anyone who might have seen a high school wood shop in their youth.

In 1999 we purchased computer controlled machinery to perform much of the work of actually cutting the wood to shape, fashioning the joinery and  making the drawers. The design side was accomplished using solid modeling programs that integrate with the production machinery. Over the years we have develop a large library of flexible computer code that allows us to readily alter the dimensions and features of constituent furniture parts. This process enables us to readily produce variations of existing parts and thus, when necessaly completely unique furniture.

In the 19th century much industrial production was focused on mass production; making a lot of the same thing over and over. One main reason was that often machine processes involved a lot of set-up time and after the machine was set-up it made sense to make a lot of the same part. As Henry Ford famously put it: any color you want as long as it is black.

Our process eliminates much of this set up time and thus the advantages of large production runs. Our production paradigm harkens back to a earlier time when a craftsman would make one at a time. That is what we do, but using modern techniques. We are not the only company using this approach.

Indeed our sofabed supplier, American Leather, uses this same production paradigm to produce made to order upholstered furniture. Watch this video explaining their process.

The result of this is our ability to create cabinetry solutions crafted to the particular needs of our clients. Over this part 25 years we have produced a tremendous variety of work and below are some representative samples of completed projects.

Bookcases and Wall Units

Below is a small sample of wall units and bookcases that we have built. The material is always solid locally sourced hardwood finished with plant oils and waxes.

Armoires & Storage Cabinetry

Bedroom storage cabinetry solutions  often involve custom sized and configured armoires. Here are some example that we’ve produced over the years. The material is always solid locally sourced hardwood finished with plant oils and waxes.

Nightstands / Bedside Cabinetry

Finding an appropriate nightsand seems like a simple task.  Indeed there are hundreds of nightstands and other bedside cabinetry on the market.

For New York City (and other urban dwellers) there is one big problem; all of them are too big. Mass market furniture is generally designed and scaled for large suburban homes. There is very little that will fit nicely into many NYC living spaces.

Our process enables us to scale furniture to fit the needs and spaces of our clients and smaller scaled nightstands is one of our specialties. Below are some examples but of production capabilities is not limited to these only. Let us know your particular need and we’ll most likely can propose a solution