Our New Directions Double Bookcase is offered in several standard sizes.
Vertical heights of 72″, 84″ and 96″.
Widths of 59 1/4″, 71 3/4″ and 82 1/4″. The shelf width is 1.5″ less that the width of a single case.
We also are able to make custom width and height variations at similar prices – just select the next larger size. This allows us to construct book walls to precisely fill a space.
Our New Directions Double Bookcase is crafted in our Brooklyn workshop of solid hardwood; your choice of cherry, birch, red oak, white oak, maple or walnut.
The natural beauty of the wood is enhanced with a non-toxic oil and wax finish.
The rear edge of the vertical panels are cut to accommodate the baseboard to fit under the vertical element allowing the bookcase to sit against the wall.
Each shelf is shaped to allow wiring to be extended between shelves to accommodate electronics, etc.
We offer our New Direction bookcases in narrower constructions – see our Single New Directions Bookcase
Using multiple vertical elements, connected by three fixed shelves per bay, entire wall can be built to fit nearly any space.